Colosseo LED Visual Solutions


ColosseoEAS company provides a wide-scale range of multimedia display devices for any application on any sports venue or public area, from small compact solutions to mammoth-size multi-stage display configurations or media façades. The only limitation is the client’s imagination and budget. The display devices supplied by our company can be divided into six logical groups according to their nature.

A Brief Look

Ribbons & Fascias

Additional display surfaces with the character of longitudinal LED display mounted on the structures of the stadium's viewpoint. They significantly accentuate the displayed multimedia content and multiply the power of the advertising information published in the arena towards the visitors of the sports event.


Sky Rings & Space Rings

Linear LED display surfaces that use the unused potential of the roof structure to place additional advertising and communication spaces. They complement the center-hung LED video cube, ribbons, fascias, and vomitory LED displays with additional LED surfaces and thus increase the monetization potential of the event.



Modular mobile display units of a linear construction located along the playfields at a safe distance behind the sideline, commonly used in indoor and outdoor sports fields. Their significant advantage is that they are in the focus of the TV cameras practically all the time during the game what gives them a premium marketing value.


Courtside Tables

A creative solution created specifically for indoor sports such as basketball. It combines the function of the LED perimeter with the function of a workplace for members of the timing and scoring staff. It is a mobile solution that allows quick and easy assembly before the match and quick disassembly and transport after the match.


Backdrop Walls

Modular, mobile, easy-to-use, folding LED panels with fine pitch density, provided in durable transport cases. It can be used as a standalone panel or as a set of panels. The mechanical design of the wall is designed to allow quick assembly and immediate use in conditions requiring quick and easy handling and location flexibility.


Video Walls

A highly advanced solution for displaying and managing many live feeds and multimedia content. They are mostly used in traffic control centers, broadcasting studios, or industrial facilities. This kind of deployment also fully unlock the unique computing potential of the Colosseo Single Media Platform®.


Media Façades

A unique large-scale LED solution covering entire façades or their parts and turns them into a huge, unmissable advertising or information panel. Completely redefines the role of the façade in modern architecture. The façade itself is dematerialized and turned into one huge advertising medium for sending messages.


LED Trailers

Large-format foldable mobile LED display units installed on the truck trailer's chassis. Mostly they have a rental character, and they are often used during sports and public events, in places without built-in large-format LED display devices. Their main advantage is mobility and quick deployment.


Do you want to know more options of LED displays deployment? Contact us.

Colosseo Vision® LED Video Cubes

Colosseo Vision LED Video Cubes bring a new visual experience for every fan in the arena. They also create an unmissable centerpiece of the arena with significant added value for better monetization of every event organized in the arena.

Custom Designed

We always prepare a specific design that reflects the client’s needs.


We use the lightest metals and components usable also in older arenas.

Seamless 360° Displays

Seamless display surface brings you a new experience and possibilities.

HDR+ Color Processing

All our panels feature high-quality 16-bit color-processing LED chips with high refresh rates.

Easily Serviceable

Well-thought-out construction that allows easy access to each part of the assembly.

Kinetic System

Each cube has its kinetic system for the movement of the whole cube or its parts.

Linear LED Display Surfaces

Are you ready to take the fan experience in your arena to another level?

Don't hesitate and contact us right now
